Monday, May 3, 2010

need a glass of juice...

anybody...sape2 ade orange juice???really need now..feel so sleepy...
tired maybe...ape xnye..satu lori kot aku angkt brg dr bilik aku 2...andaian je lah kan..hahahaha..

juice..juice..juice...nyum..nyumm..nyummm...hmmm..bestnye if i can have a glass...ngatok sesangat dh nie..but still not finish study...suku pon lom hbs lg...huhuhuhu...2pages from 10pm till now(1am)....ooowowwoooo...can i finish this...???ape lah agaknye kak nurul buat skang nie..hmmmp...dh tdo ker duk wat report...

my brother come to be a doc soon...said...'orang bijak beli jus kotak kecik 2 jek'....small size of juice is better than larger one...because of juice vitamin will loss after u open the bottle for few for those people who like to buy large size of juice please finish it in one day..don't keep it for a long time..even u keep it in refrigerator, the vitamin C cannot be keep as fresh juice..

wahhhh..ngntok nyeee....aku rasa aku kena tido nie...let's have nice sleep all my frienz all around the world i'm wishing u all may ur sweet dream tonite come true...


Yunne Osman said...

ira, skrg baru dah x transparent lg dah... senang nak baca... heheh

ShaHiRah HayAti said...

hehehee...ira rasa pon mcm lg senang yg nie..diamond 2 duk b'kelip2 jek..huhuhuhu

two is better than one
